hello world!

Sanjeev Sabhlok

The House of Representatives




I took a PhD in economics from the USA and came to Australia from India in 2000 where I had been a senior civil servant. Unfortunately, in March 2020, Australia turned on a dime, from role model to totalitarianism, with society-wide lockdowns, border closures and mandatory masks in open parks. A full-blown Police state was unleashed. Western civilisation has two main pillars: the government must not interfere in the life of citizens without a strong justification, and public policy must be based on evidence, not on the arbitrary whim or imagination of the government. Australia had a stringent regime of risk-based regulation and a requirement for cost-benefit analysis, both being matters on which I advised Victoria governments for 15 years as a senior economist. Both these were thrown out of the window in 2020.

I am great admirer of Robert Menzies and want AFP to become Australia’s real liberal party. The apparatchiks of the Liberal Party have supported Scott Morrison’s deceit: his blatantly false comparison of covid with the Spanish flu to justify his CCP-imitation policies, and his claim that he has saved 30,000 lives. The world’s most cited epidemiologist, John Ioannidis, has confirmed to me that covid is 50 to 500 times less lethal than the Spanish flu. I’m assisting Prof. Gigi Foster in a cost-benefit analysis that confirms the enormous harms caused to Australia by the major parties.

See my recent speech here.

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ABN: 89 675 531 191
Authorised by Glenn O’Rourke, Morphett Vale South Australia 5162