hello world!

Sam Sergi

The House of Representatives

Small Business Owner



Whilst I am not a seasoned politician, I understand and am aware of current political issues and value our right to vote. I hold firm that our politicians should be held accountable to keep their promises. The events of the last two years have demonstrated the management of Covid-19 was handled poorly and was not based on compelling scientific data. Further, it demonstrated that our basic freedoms were stripped from government overreach and unconstitutional mandates. Small businesses were severely impacted to the point where we saw an increase in family violence and suicides.

I am also concerned about the vulnerability of our industrial and food supply chains, the off-shoring of our motor industry, the impact on farmlands resulting from the overuse of pesticides, soil erosion and safety of water supply – all of which will impact our communities if they are poorly managed.

Do you keep hearing that we are not able to do anything? Well, I say “Enough is enough”.

Change is here! My values and beliefs align to those of the Australian Federation Party and I am honoured to represent the electorate of Wills, to bring people and ideas together for restoration of our nation and positive change.

© Australian Federation Party 2024
ABN: 89 675 531 191
Authorised by Glenn O’Rourke, Morphett Vale South Australia 5162