Australia has never suffered more devastating decisions than the disproportionate “public health” policies of 2020, 2021 and 2022. These decisions were just a continuation of endemic incompetence and corruption in our political system.
Basic freedoms have been wiped out, small businesses have been destroyed, and the State's extensions now permeate every element of our society and every moment of our lives. Yet, at the same time, valid scientific data and compelling evidence were ignored by a political establishment behaving more like those in an unaccountable Marxist dictatorship.
Australian Federation Party (AFP) is a new kind of political party designed from the ground up to represent the people. In the history of Australia, we are the only political party to define a six-step pact where our candidates commit to serving the people, not the party.
The Australian Federation Party is committed to growing an alliance of Independent MPs and Candidates at all tiers of government in Australia, people dedicated to representing the people first and who offer robust policy solutions to help the people prosper.
We care about Australia and Australia’s people, the cities, towns, small businesses, local communities, and volunteers who are always put way below by Liberals/Nationals and Labor/Greens.
We want representatives who care about the people and understand their needs. That is why our process of representative democracy focuses on hearing and understanding their voice above anything else.
Our country must confront and deal with the fact that our nation is broken and needs to unify its people. But unfortunately, there is still significant and systemic oppression of our First Nation people, and we must find a pathway forward that heals and unites us permanently.
We care about our children and their future, including their access to proper education, not education that programmes them to agree with the government narrative, but rather education that unleashes the potential of the individual child and enables them to become thinkers who question and are prepared to find solutions to make us collectively a stronger people and a stronger nation.
We care about funding alternative learning systems, including recognising the increased demand for homeschooling.
We need to find out why 50% of our children suffer from chronic illnesses.
We need to ensure our primary producers have sufficient affordable supply to critical inputs—water, fuel, finance, and logistics that ensure viability. Farmers in the Riverina tell us that their annual production has reduced from $20 billion to $2 billion annually due to a shortage of critical inputs. We must drought-proof our nation with critical areas identified for feed stockpiles during the tough times.
Food security is an essential priority for all Australians. Water security and the reversal of its commodification are critical for our farmers and national security.
It’s time to understand how we can manage our environment and our climate so it will be naturally protected. Community and household food plots and solving baseload energy supplies are critical elements in protecting our environment and climate. These are areas we can act on now.
We must review the model that Liberals and Labor have used to spend billions of dollars of taxpayer funds. These models have never been subsequently challenged or reviewed over time.
We care about small and medium businesses that are the lifeblood of our economy.
There would be no role for large corporates without small and medium companies. We care that the nature of small and medium businesses is to grow, expand and innovate.
We know the actions of Morrison and Albanese have devastated and destroyed small family companies. Yet, the rhetoric from the government is how good they have been at navigating the economic crisis that every business owner knows we never needed to endure.
We need a new approach to ageing in our nation. People who have worked hard and always paid their taxes are now struggling. The system seems designed to leave them financially devastated and dependent on others. We need to pay more attention to their needs so families can be at peace about the welfare of those ageing in their families. This means we need a system, taxation and care reforms that make this a non-stressful time for people who have worked hard. Unfortunately, no one is persuaded that the Royal Commission into Aged Care has had any meaningful impact.
Our nation is in peril on multiple fronts, and no one talks about it. Domestically our water, food and fuel supplies have been compromised. We need to be committed as a nation to being able to defend ourselves, and to do this; we need to rebuild our manufacturing and production capacity. Key priorities need to be set to rebuild the security and protection of our nation.
We must first reject engaging in conflict without question and seek to build empathy in trouble spots around the world; we must strive to bring peace and remain neutral until there is compelling evidence to intervene in sovereign countries in any form.
We need to ensure affordable housing across our nation. Government intervention must not trigger unintended consequences for our home buyers. Under Liberal and Labor, we have only seen housing affordability decline. We must review what has happened and identify better and innovative ways to ensure families can afford a home.
It’s time we began to question our health system, not the commitment of the people who work within it, but rather policymakers and regulators who have allowed corporate agendas to override logical and critical thought.
We must have a public health system that is accessible to all. We must have a system that progressively focuses on preventative health strategies rather than simply focusing on the treatment of declining health in our country.
We must never again endure the loss of medical freedoms and choices in our nation. We must never see coercive government policy force the people of Australia to do something against their will.
The resources of Australia belong to all Australians. Not just a few. We must add value to our resources and ensure that the Australian people benefit, not just a few billionaires.
We must invest in significant infrastructure projects to unlock the nation's wealth.
Transparency - by the Government for the people it serves
Trust - Re-building trust in the Government and the people of Australia
Courage - The courage to do what is right for the People of Australia
Freedom - Fight for every person's individual freedom and their freedom of choice without fear of coercion, interference, retaliation or retribution from the Government, person or entity
The primacy of human rights - Protection from unnecessary government surveillance, freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom of religion, freedom of choice, and bodily autonomy.
Greater transparency of Government especially as it relates to the private lives of citizens and the public institutions that serve them.
The primacy of family and parental choice and beliefs in determining the welfare of their children without fear of Government interference.
Commitment to the health and wellbeing of all children including sustainable policies to assure their future.
The Party opposes precepts that undermine individual responsibility and character development, or fail to contextualize historical events, thus creating divisions and undermining social progress.
The Party aims to rid Australia of top-down governments.
The Party has a commitment to a representative democracy where our elected members serve the people and not this party.
The Party is committed to supporting the people of Australia in their pursuit of happiness in the manner they deem fit in their natural liberty as sovereign citizens.
The Party is committed to the unity of the people of Australia.
Every Australian citizen shall have an equal opportunity to join the Party and to progress through its ranks.
The Party affirms its unrelenting commitment to human values that have stood the test of time, values such as honesty, courage, fortitude, dignity and honour.
To read more about these, please review our Constitution.
To ensure the party and its candidates live up to our values, all AFP candidates must sign up for The Community Commitment, thereby showing their commitment to the people of Australia.
"Signing of a contract to the Community Commitment:
Australian Federation Party is not a new political party, but rather a new kind of political party. We do not want to replicate the old structures: the architecture of our party is new and unique. It was designed from scratch to make full use of the available technology and create an organisation that is transparent, accountable and representative of the will of the people.
Let's begin by examining the root of the problem. As it is now clear beyond doubt, traditional parties do not respond to their constituents anymore. They do not engage with the public nor respond to their concerns. They treat the Australian Parliament and the people with contempt, imagining that they have a right to rule. Their approach today is radically different from what it used to be.
How could they depart so swiftly from the basic democratic principles that we all used to take for granted? The answer is that traditional parties are top-down, command-and-control structures, and therein lies the problem: there are no checks and balances within each organisation. Those who take control of the apical positions can take control of the whole structure and easily bend it to interests other than their constituencies'.
Virtually every political party today operates within that top-down, centralised logic. Decisions that affect us all are routinely made only on the basis of biased and partial information provided by the senior advisers within the upper echelons of each party, ignoring any evidence that is publicly available but runs contrary to the desired narrative.
Given that their operatives respond only to the level immediately above them in the party hierarchy, the information flows only from top to bottom and the natural mechanism of feedback coming from the lower ranks is silenced: orders are meant to be executed, not discussed. Dissent, for those working inside such organisations, is not an option.
Since there is no feedback, and no true communication between inferiors and superiors either, these top-down organisations lack an inbuilt error correction mechanism. There is instead a perverse incentive for the inferior ranks to tell their superiors pleasant lies (and therefore insulate them even more from the real world) rather than to speak up for what is true and just.
The point is that innovation, creative teamwork and quality work in general utterly depend on true communication. Is it surprising to anyone that the politicians sitting at the top of such hierarchies end up being totally out of touch with reality and convinced to be infallible geniuses despite a pretty lacklustre track record? Is it surprising that poor communication processes inevitably produce bad policies, and that in the end authoritarian organisations produce authoritarian policies?
For the most part of human history, a top-down hierarchy - with all its side effects - was the only strategy available if one wanted to scale an organisation beyond a few tens of people.
Over the last 30 years, though, the emergence of the Internet allowed a different, and vastly better, organisational paradigm. The new model started its life in the software engineering world as a method for producing better quality software and has allowed the creation of outstanding projects such as Bitcoin and the Linux operating system, just to name two (to put this in context, Linux powers every Android tablet and phone on the planet and an innumerable array of other devices, from Internet routers to more than half of the servers in the world, so it is arguably the most successful software project ever).
This new (and better) model is called Open-Source Development and it entails a unique set of assumptions in stark contrast with the old centralised model:
A common misconception is that only software companies can adopt this model. "We are not a software company" is the usual way of phrasing it. In truth, any kind of knowledge work can be done better and more efficiently in a networked way.
Another common misconception is that the ideas above are just ideas and do not work in practice. Again, the truth is that thousands of projects, companies and foundations have adopted the Open Source model with great success over the years.
If we borrow ideas, methods and best practices from the Open Source world and apply them to a political party, the outcome that we get is a new kind of political party. One in which the decision-making process is public and transparent and the interest of the people is always considered because the organisation is decentralised and designed from the ground up to incorporate feedback from the outside world. Grassroots democracy meets 21st-century technology.
Australian Federation Party is a party designed from scratch to withstand the mutated conditions of our society.
To quote Mark E. Jeftovic:
"We’re headed toward a decentralized world governed by consensus as expressed through open source protocols and smart contracts. The battle is not about left vs right, conservative vs liberal where either side would have you believe that content cleanly bisects into Truth and Misinformation. The defining tension of the next 20 years will be between decentralization vs bureaucracy, platforms vs protocols and nation states vs networks."
Our central tenet is that elected members of the Australian Federation Party will represent the people, not the party. We will return Australia to what it was always intended to be - a Representative Democracy where the voice of the people is heard in the parliaments of Australia.
To this end, the Australian Federation Party will require its candidates to sign a public Community Pact, in which they commit to consult and engage with their electorates on an ongoing basis, to ensure their votes as elected members of the Parliament reflect the wishes and expectations of their constituents, subject to the values and principles that the Party stands for.
In a truly decentralised fashion, the Australian Federation Party allows conscience voting by default. This is enshrined in our Constitution, which specifies that elected members can vote against the Party's preferred policy position, provided that:
If elected members do not comply with either of the two points above, they can be removed from the Party and they will mandatorily forfeit their seat in Parliament.
An example of how this will work in practice: if an elected member wanted to vote for lockdowns, arguing that his or her constituency is in favour of them (point 1 above), there would be no possibility that such a position could be backed either by existing laws or by evidence (point 2 above). Publicly available data demonstrate in fact that lockdowns do not prevent infections and are highly counterproductive. In such a case, it will become obligatory on the elected member's part to talk to their constituents about the law and the science and persuade them to change their mind.
The development of every policy proposal will be a public, collaborative process that will happen on the party's platform. People will be able to view the text for each proposal while it is being developed. Everyone will have the chance to comment on the content (either by adding comments or by upvoting/downvoting existing ones) and submit contributions or modifications.
In true open-source fashion, every edit will be publicly tracked (think a blockchain for text documents).
Since the party's platform is based on open protocols such as Git, other organisations will be able to reuse, modify and integrate the policy texts. For example, a medical association could collaborate in an official capacity in the drafting of a policy related to medical freedom. Other political parties as well could use our platform to co-develop policy initiatives. Other partners could set up a continuous backup of the resulting data onto an external, independent, blockchain, and so on.
In addition to the above, our registered members will also have the power to propose new policy topics through petitions.
With your help, the Australian Federation Party will bring back transparency and accountability in the political sphere, to the benefit of all Australians.